
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Wonder-Film study-Workshop 3.

Atmosphere-How you feel in a situation mood.
1.Scene-Auggies first day at school-When Auggie walks into his class everyone stares at him.When he ask to sit down amos say the seat is saved.
Angles/Shot-Long shot/Eye level of class,Close up of Auggie to see his emotions and reactions.

Lighting and colors-

Palette-Colors used in the scene eg nature palette has colors from nature-Brown,green
Warm/Cold.Warm colors make you feel clean and comfortable.
-Cold color Makes you feel clean and sterile.

Bright-Vibrant jumps out

Dull-Faded muted blends in.
Natural-sun/moon light
Artificial-Man made Light eg-Light Bulbs.

Lighting and color-Warm makes a classroom feel safe and welcoming.

-Bright colors-Gives the room energy and life.
-Natural light coming through the windows.

Effect on the viewer-Happy,Chilled,exciting,educational,inspiring
Director-Wants to create a happy and safe atmosphere in mr Brown's classroom.even though it feels this way,Jullien and amos's behavior is unkind.

In the scene of August's first day at school,Lighting and color are used to create a safe and welcoming classroom environment.For instants,bright warm colors are used on the walls and the natural light come through the windows to make the space look lively.This makes the audience feel excited,and that the space is educational and supportive for learning.This was done to 

Show Mr brown had created a classroom space that would be welcoming to new students like auggie.
Coinciding with this is the use of body language.The children in the room are sitting up smiling and paying lots of attention to Mr Brown.They are learning ready.This reminds the audience of the theme kindness because the lighting and color makes the room welcoming for all students.

Self directed learning Goal.

I'm going to achieve my self directed learning goal by not talking to my friends and focus on my work so I dont get put down on my license.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Rat Dissection.

On Wednesday we dissected a rat to see what organs were in it.
Before we got to start dissecting our rat we had to get into groups the groups has 5 or 6 students at three different tables because their were only four rats and one rat was for Miss Abernethy to show us how to cut into the rat and what different organs were in the rat.
And after we were shown how to cut in to the rat without cuttings organ it was finally time to start looking at our own rat.We picked up the Scalpel which is the tool that we used to cut throw the rat A Scalpel is very similar to a knife but it is a lot sharper.And we started cutting and when we got threw the skin we started using another tool called tweezers to move around organs in the rats body.
I didn't mind doing this but If I had to do this again I would but If I had a choice I probably wouldn't choose to do it.

Food testing Science.

 Aim:What nutrients are present in different foods.

Bread:I think bread has complex sugar.
Egg:I think Eggs have Protein in it
Sugar-Glucose:I think Glucose are a simple sugar.
Apple:I think Apple is a Complex sugar.
Milk:I think Milk is simple sugar.
Potato:I think potatoes are a complex sugar.


:Egg has neither of the sugars.
:Bread is a complex sugar. 
:Milk is not a complex sugar.
:Potato is some sugar.
:Apples have both sugars.
:Glucose is not a simple sugar

Complex Method:

We added all of our food then we added two drops of iodine and then we waited until our results showed.

simple Method:

1.We put Food in all of the tudes then we added 5 drops of benedict's into the tube.
2.Then we put the tubes into a water bath and wait until our result show.

Protein method:
1:Add your food into the test tubes.
2:Add 5 drops of sodium hydroxide.
4:Add 5 drops of copper sulfate.
5:Shake the test tube gently from side to side.

Hypothesis:I think that milk,Apple and egg have protein.

But I dont think Potato, Glucose and bread don't have protein.

1:Apple Has no protein in it.
2:Potato has no protein in it.
3:Egg Has protein in it.
4:Glucose has no protein.
5:Milk has Protein in it.
6:Bread has no protein.

Conclusion:I was correct about Milk And Egg having protein and I was alway right about Potato,Bread and Glucose not having protein in it. But I was wrong about Potato having protein in it.

Discussion:I found out that apple doesn't have protein in it 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Wonder-Film Workshop 2

A-Fight-Jacks fighting Julien because called Auggie a freak.

-Teacher pulling Jack off julien-Mr Brown.

-Dutch tilt is used-to show something is not right.

-Low angle -Makes someone look smaller than the other character.
Julien looks Weak and vulnerable.

-Viewers feels- Shocked-didn't expect Jacks reaction.

Director-Surprised,Sad Worried for Jack.

Other techniques- Music-Creates atmosphere,minor slow motion- Makes more intense.

Sexxxxxy paragraphs-
In the film Wonder,low angle shots are used effectively.This is demonstrated in the scene where jack attacks julien because Julien calls Auggie a freak.
In the scene a low angle dutch tilt scene is used to make Jack look stronger and Julien weak and vulnerable.
This make the audience feel shocked,surprised and concerned because we weren't expecting we weren't expecting a violent reaction from Jack who has not been aggressive at all in this film.The purpose of this was to show the theme of kindness as Jack finally stands up for Auggie.
Combined with this is the use of quiet ,minor music in slow motion to create and atmosphere and event feel more intense.This can be contrasted to the nature reserve fight scene where Auggie now shows kindness by standing up for Jack

B-Fight scene-Nature Reserve-Auggie makes friends,high 5 no plogue,Jack Amos and others. They beat up and run away from 7th graders.

-Wide angle,Long shot-Make us feel like we are a bystander watching an important moment, The emotions are the characters, not ours.

-Audience-Joyful,proud,chairful,ecstatic,relieved-Auggie finally is included,and he now has friends.

-Director-Auggie is finally making fitting in,shows theme importance of friendship or kindness.

-Other techniques- Lighting-use of shadow -silhouette outlining the boys,feels like they are all in it together.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Workshop 1.

Kindness-when people are-Helping other,Including other,Caring for others and Respecting others
Example 1-Fight scene at the nature reserve.

  • Amos and the boys rescue Auggie and Jack from  the bullies. At the end they high five Auggie.
  • shows Kindness because up until this point the other hadn't touched him or treated him with respect.
  • The theme of kindness is important because through it Auggie makes friends, and is more confident and happier.
Cafeteria scene where summe sits with Auggie.

  • Shows theme of kindness because summer leaves the friends she has been sitting with who were bystanders and went to sit with Auggie because he was alone.
  • Summer helps rebuild Auggies trust in friendships. If she hadn't shown kindness by sitting with him he wouldn't have learnt to make new friends and more on.

Importance of family and friendship.
-Through these relationships our characters build trust,resilience and self confidence.

  • Scene where Auggie cuts off his padawan braid.
-Link to importance of family because shows when Auggie is feeling sad,alone/depressed that he has a support network to build his resilience.

  • Home is Auggie's safe a supportive place. He needs this relationship with his parents to help him build confidence to make new friends.
Example 2:When Jack punches Julien for calling Auggie a freak.
-Shows importance of friendship because Jack wasn't willing to let Julien bully Auggie anymore.Auggie is a real friend to Jack,Wheres Julien is the kind of friend that puts you down if you don't agree with him.
-This is Important because it shows how real friends treat each other,they build trust.

Being right vs being popular.
-Doing the right thing even, when no is watching or when no one else is doing it.

Example 1:Julien Bullies Auggie.
Julien chose to do think to be popular rather then do the right thing.
He calls him name,Hides notes in his locker and tells Auggie he should kill himself.Julien is the most popular boy in the class so when  he chooses to be mean that becomes the thing to do.
-Jullien shows importance of being right over being popular because through his actions he is removed from the school and loses his friends Juxtaposed to this is will. He decided he would rather be kind to Auggie and as a result keeps all his friends and isn't kicked out.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Pizza rolls.

Last week in cooking we made pizza rolls.
Our ingredients were:
Flour Bacon Oil Tomato paste Cheese salt milk and onion.
And after we added all these ingredients it was time to put them in the oven and then we waited for 15 mins to pull them out then we pulled them out and we were allowed 3 each.
Image result for pizza rolls


Today in English I created a Google coogle To explain why Kindness,Family,Friendship and doing the right thing is important in a movie called Wonder.

What am I learning?
Im learning about why Family etc are important
How does this work show my learning?

What am I wondering as a result of this learning?