
Monday, December 7, 2020

My Learning Story


In Wananga Last week we started doing a Learning Story to reflect r the Term and to set goals for next Year when i'll be Year 10.

My WGA Learning Story

            Please reflect on your experience in Bh Wānanga 2020. 

Name: Bryce

Teacher: Miss Birtch




Give at least three examples in each of the boxes below.

What We Did: 

  •  We did 100 Words Challenges.

  •  We Did Market Day in Term 3.

  •  We did Art Kete

What I Learned: 

  •  I learnt how to make an oamaru stone little statue.

  •  I learnt how to make wheat bags.

  •  I learnt to use interesting words to make stories better.

My Favourite Part:

  •  My Favourite part was Market Day

  •  I like making up strange stories when we did 100 Word Challenge

  • I enjoyed making stone carvings

My Next Steps:

  •  My next steps will be focusing on my learning so I can do good on my work.

  •  My steps are to make new friends in my wananga Class.

  • My next step will be to participate in all activities that are available.

CARR Values: 

Make a statement below describing how you showed each of our CARR values during Wānanga


I showed Commitment by finishing my 100 Word Challenges.


I showed achievement by finishing my stone carving sculpture.


I showed Resilience by not giving up when I was struggling to do tasks like stone carving.


I showed respect when we welcomed the customers on Market day.

Beside each Report Indicator list whether you are RS (Requires Support), WT (Working Towards), A (Achieving the level), EL (Exceeding the Level) - be honest with yourself. 

  1. I have respectful and positive interactions with others. I am aware of how my actions and words affect others. I actively listen to others and can recognise that different people have different points of view. I can negotiate and share my ideas. I am willing to take on different roles in a range of situations. 

The level I am working at is: A (Achieving the level)because: I'm good at suggesting ideas and working in groups with others.

  1. I am actively involved in all activities in Wānanga class. I make the most of opportunities to participate in class activities and discussions. I participate well in group tasks. I actively take part in the wider school community through groups such as: Kapa Haka, Polyfest, EPRO8, CAIMS Games Sports (Y7-8), Y9 Sport Competition, After School Sport, Chess Tournament, Student Council, Ambassadors etc. 

The level I am working at is: A (Achieving the level)because: I participate in most activities because most of them you have no choice and most of them are fun and i enjoy doing them.

  1. I have a “can do” attitude (Growth Mindset). I complete the work to the best of my ability. I am punctual and arrive to class and school on time every day. I am organised and ready for learning. I set and strive to meet my personal goals. 

The level I am working at is: WT (Working Towards), because: I'm not always prepared or organised but I can sometime be organised. I am not always on time.