
Thursday, July 25, 2019

Art Hurumanu.

Today in Art hurumanu we were finishing a project called Manakitanga. We had to get a buddy and check this story so we can post it to our blog at the highest standard possible we also had to rate our own writing i rated it 3 out of 6 and on the other rating part I rated myself 4 out of 6. This is the finished story.
Feel free to read it and leave a comment and also leave some feedback.


At 8:30 am on a sunny morning, in a school classroom there were two students named Max and Jack and they almost had a fight or argument every day. Jack is the one that always starts the argument and Max is the humble one. They both don’t get along as good as everyone else in the class do. They would always try to put each other down or try to embarrass each other.
But on a Monday morning Jack decided to start throwing scrunched up paper balls at Max, and constantly doing that until it was interval. The bell rang and they both went outside to interval, they started calling each other names until max's friends came and started to back Max up, and that's when Jack looked like he had regretted everything he had done before it was interval but then the bell rang and It was time to go back to class and that's what they did.

In class surprisingly Jack started throwing and yelling at Max again  and then the teacher turned around and had a little chat with Jack, then Jack apologised to Max and told him the only reason he reacted like that is because he’s jealous that Max has lots of friends, then Max asked if Jack wanted to sit with him and his friends and then they  were friends and they had no more fights or arguments anymore.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Today in CIP Tai,Tamani,Nathan and myself were asked if we wanted to present a slide show to show what Tz, Sh and Bh did last term in CIP. We all agreed to help do the slide and we completed the slide show and the script in the time that we were given and now we're  all ready for the next Hui to present.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Water cycle experiment.

The Water Cycle: Bag 1
CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2
Desert Water Cycle
Bag 3
Does it cycle?
Amount of Water

Key: Water and acidity amount: 1 = none 
2 = small 
3 = large 
Other comments:
Bag 1
1 Bag 1 cycled water
2 Bag 1 had a small amount of water.
3 The acidity in bag 1 was low.

Bag 2
4.Bag 2 cycled water.
5.Bag 2 had a small amount of water.
6.Bag 2 had a large amount of acid.

Bag 3:
7.Bag 3 cycled water.
8.Bag 3 had a small amount of water.
9.Bag 3 had none acid at all.

Bag 1:
Bag 1 cycled water it only had a little amount of  water and the acidity in bag 1 was really low.

Bag 2:
Bag 2 had a small amount of water it cycled water and had a large amount of acid.

Bag 3:
Bag 3 cycled water and had a small amount of water and had no acid at all.