
Monday, May 27, 2019

What I think about my garage band songs.

Today In music Hurumanu we had to write a story about my garage band song that I created with my friend camryn.
And this is it.


Lo: Create a piece of writing that describes a place or
setting inspired by your song.

I’m in a pitch black spooky cave.
The echo is easy to hear from miles away.
I feel like I’m hearing a song where there is a continuous
beat from a drum set.
Then a guitar starting and stopping through out the song.
In the background there's a dog yelping at whatever it’s
surrounded by.
I feel scared and curious on what's going on in there.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Music hurumanu.Garage Band.

Me and my friend Camryn did an activity in Music hurumanu were we had to create a song using an app called garage band. This is what we came up with, its pretty random but feel free to check it out and leave a comment after.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Different music decade population.

Hello Today and my buddy hamid started a google slide and we hade to do a slide for each decade starting from 1910 to 2010 we had to write what the song was the popular genre that ther were in that decade a link to the song and what the song is about and of course what our artist name is.
If you want to check it out your self click this.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Pink shirt day.

Hi today im going to be answering a couple of questions to do with the pink shirt day and what the purpose is and many other questions lets get started.

What would make a good friend?
To make a good friend, it would probably be best to stand up for your friends be honest to them and just do all the good and nice things that you can do to make them comfortable with you or around you.

What do people care about us do?
People that care about us, treat us like they want to be treated and make sure that we are ok and comfortable, and help us do things.

How do you know that someone has your back?
You know that someone has your back if they stand up for you if your in a uncomfortable posion.

What don't friends do?
Good friends dont put you down hurt you make you feel sad and things like that.

What do you think being a outstander means?
I think being a outstander is being a role model caring for other even if there not your best friend or a close person to you.

How did the pink shirt boys show that they were good friends?
They did something to make sure that the bullying would stop and that their friend felt like he could wear what ever he wanted without being judged.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Musician and band. DLO

Last week I worked on a DLO about bands and musicians. I started off with a piece of paper and I had to search lots of information about my single singer which is stan walker and my band which was six60 and they both had to be New Zealanders, and if you want to check out the DLO that I created click on this link.
Enjoy reading!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

What I think about spelling and what I dislike.

I like how we do spelling task I personally like it because it's fun learning our spelling words and doing fun task that can be challenging and easy at the same time. I don't really dislike anything about spelling and I also like doing the test sometimes but the thing I mostly like doing in spelling is the task.