
Friday, April 12, 2019

Term 1 Reflection.

Hi and welcome to my blog. I'm going to be blogging about what I've enjoyed in this first term and what if learnt so basically just a reflection about this term. I hope you enjoy.

My favourite thing about this term was definitely surfing that was awesome It was cool learning something new and having fun in the water at the same time.

That was my favourite memory because I really enjoy being in the water and having fun doing new things.

I enjoyed doing Pe for the last two weeks of this term it was fun doing physical activities with people that I usually wouldn't work with and communicate with.

Something that has been a challenge for me would have been doing the touch tournament because working

Friday, April 5, 2019

P.E Hurumanu Reflection.

This week we started P.E Hurumanu we did P.E period 3and4 and on Friday we did P.E period 2.

On Tuesday we played a game called bench ball we had one person on a bench then the other team also had a person on their bench and the rest of people were just spread out across the space that we had to play the game in and we had to try throw the ball to the person that's on the bench then your allowed on the bench and the first team that got every person on the bench first wins my team won most of our games that we played but we just lost our last game that we played in my opinion I think that bench ball was a really fun game to play because it was cool communicating with other students that we never really have worked for and to be able to do really well in our team as well.

On Friday we played a game called kick ball the teams were TZ vs BH. There was one person who rolled the ball for the other team to kick it we called that person the rolled and everyone that was in the team that weren't kicking were speed out althrough the gym and if we caught the ball on the fall the person that kicked it would be out and the team would get no point but if you kicked it the fielding team would have to get the ball and try hit you with the ball and if you got hit with the ball that means you would go line up at the end of the line and your team would get no point but if you reached the end of the wall and then were able to get back from were you kicked it you would get a point for your team but if you went to kick the ball but didn't think that your kick wasn't very good you can walk into the safe zone only two people can go in to the safe zone at once so if someone else was going to go into the safe zone you would have to run to wall and back and try not to get tagged.
My favourite part of this game was probably kicking the ball then running because it funny when the other team try's to get you but they end up missing.